My Brother
My brother is a wonder. I still remember the day that he came into my life. It was the night that I pulled my first all-nighter and couldn't sleep - I was so excited to meet him! I thought every day about how I would get to hold him in the rocking chair in his room-- how I would read to him and show him around the street in my wagon, hold his hand when we went walking on hikes, and spending time helping him learn about all the things I knew. I had to go and spend the evening with some other family as he was born, but then... I got to go to the hospital to see him. It was back when they didn't allow anyone other than the husband into the room, but my mom had an outside room, so I got to see him through the window.
I still remember holding him (briefly) for the first time in my blue, cartoon animal print dress that tied at the shoulders and posing for yet another of our infamous family photos. It was one of the best days of my life, although I slept in a lot the next day as my brain was a little bit fuzzy from the lack of sleep and the sudden feeling of responsibility and no longer being alone - I was now a big sister and I had someone else to share my families journey with.