Week #13
PAVE MAP: Make some predictions based on the sentences. Then look up the word, find a sample sentence other than the one given. No definitions given today!
PONDEROUS: Ponderous, he walked slowly, thinking about the important decision he had to make.
OBLIVIOUS: The blank expression on her face showed that she was completely oblivious that there was a test today.
WEDNESDAY WRITING: "Truth is the only safe ground to stand upon." - Elizabeth Caddy Stanton
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Week #13
PIOUS (religious; devout). The pious nun was devoted to her work with the church.
DEROGATORY (uncomplimentary). The derogatory statement about her clothes hurt her feelings.
WEDNESDAY WRITING: On December 14, 1911, the South Pole was discovered. If you were able to travel to the South Pole, who would you want to take along with you and why? You can choose from anyone--someone you know, someone famous, someone alive, someone who is no longer living -- anyone!
This is a short, abbreviated week.
PIOUS (religious; devout). The pious nun was devoted to her work with the church.
DEROGATORY (uncomplimentary). The derogatory statement about her clothes hurt her feelings.
WEDNESDAY WRITING: On December 14, 1911, the South Pole was discovered. If you were able to travel to the South Pole, who would you want to take along with you and why? You can choose from anyone--someone you know, someone famous, someone alive, someone who is no longer living -- anyone!
This is a short, abbreviated week.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Friday, November 23, 2007

Have spent the holidays RELAXING, RESTING, and taking time OFF from grading (sorry folks). Spent time down at my Mom's the whole weekend - heading home after spending some time down with my father as well on Saturday. Sunday will be a baby shower in Montebello starting at noon. Attended a play, finished wrapping and sending most of my Christmas presents including ordering the last few items online.
Working on catching up on reading as well.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
WEEK #10 November 13, 2007
MAKING CONNECTIONS - Start with the target word. Then, put the word into context with a sample sentence. Follow that with two columns: on the left, what the word is (definition and a few synonyms), and on the right, what it is not (antonyms). Next comes "I'd probably find this word in these contexts (places, events, people, situations).... list places that you would think the word might be used. Lastly, "I'll remember the word by connecting it to..." - explain how you will remember the word.
FUTILE (hopeless; without effect). To ask for more candy was a futile attempt by a toddler.
IMPARTIAL (unbiased, neutral). A referee must be impartial to both teams.
Wednesday Writing
Today is "National Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day." Do you know what's in your refrigerator? Think about all the food you keep in your refigerator. What is your favorite "refrigerator" food?
MAKING CONNECTIONS - Start with the target word. Then, put the word into context with a sample sentence. Follow that with two columns: on the left, what the word is (definition and a few synonyms), and on the right, what it is not (antonyms). Next comes "I'd probably find this word in these contexts (places, events, people, situations).... list places that you would think the word might be used. Lastly, "I'll remember the word by connecting it to..." - explain how you will remember the word.
FUTILE (hopeless; without effect). To ask for more candy was a futile attempt by a toddler.
IMPARTIAL (unbiased, neutral). A referee must be impartial to both teams.
Wednesday Writing
Today is "National Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day." Do you know what's in your refrigerator? Think about all the food you keep in your refigerator. What is your favorite "refrigerator" food?
Sunday, November 04, 2007
WEEK #9 November 6, 2007
DOGMATIC (stubbornly opinionated).
The highly opinionated critic gave a dogmatic review of the performance.
EXCULPATE (free someone from blame, pardon, acquit).
Juries can exculpate people accused of crimes.
Scientist Marie Cure was born on this day in 1867. Curie received a Nobel Peace Prive for her discovery of radium and polonium.
This discovery was a great advancement for science. Thinking about science and discoveries, what do you think has been the most important discovery? Explain your answer.
DOGMATIC (stubbornly opinionated).
The highly opinionated critic gave a dogmatic review of the performance.
EXCULPATE (free someone from blame, pardon, acquit).
Juries can exculpate people accused of crimes.
Scientist Marie Cure was born on this day in 1867. Curie received a Nobel Peace Prive for her discovery of radium and polonium.
This discovery was a great advancement for science. Thinking about science and discoveries, what do you think has been the most important discovery? Explain your answer.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Wednesday Writing Prompt
October 31
Juliette Gordon Low, the woman who started Girl Scouting in the United States, was born on this day in 1860. The Girl Scouts are an organization that helps others.
Explain why it’s important that kids get involved with helping others.
Tuesday Vocab
October 31
Juliette Gordon Low, the woman who started Girl Scouting in the United States, was born on this day in 1860. The Girl Scouts are an organization that helps others.
Explain why it’s important that kids get involved with helping others.
Tuesday Vocab
Fighting over who got to the ball first, the players were set off the field for the trivial argument.
Because of her adulation for the singer, she had to have every CD and music video of the star.
Thursday, October 25, 2007

Presented the trip to weightlessness to the school board on Tuesday, Oct. 23rd. It was amazing! How did the Northrup Grumann Weightless Flight of Discovery impact me and what effect did it have on my students?
Hopefully it inspired them to do more, be more, and to reach for the stars. We talked about science and how it works and the experiments that we completed and more will be done later in the year as a follow-up. For me, it was truly a once-in-a-lifetime event and I am so honored to be been selected to fly.
Week #7 - Word Understanding Record
TENTATIVE (not final; uncertain). The plan for the party was tentative until it was approved by the parents.
PRECIPICE (steep slope). After reaching the precipice of the mountain, the beginning rock climber glanced below at the distance he had come.
Wednesday Writing:choose one to write about for this week.
Prompts courtesy of http://www.theteacherscorner.net/daily-writing-prompts/october/index.htm
October 23
Brazilian soccer player, Edison Pele, was born on this day in 1940. In order to become such an incredible soccer player, Pele had to practice. What is something that you would like to become better at? Explain what you will need to do in order to improve your skills. (This doesn’t have to be a sport.) PDF
October 24
Today is National Bologna Day. Explain to someone how to make your favorite type of sandwich. PDF.
THURSDAY - Commonplace books.
TENTATIVE (not final; uncertain). The plan for the party was tentative until it was approved by the parents.
PRECIPICE (steep slope). After reaching the precipice of the mountain, the beginning rock climber glanced below at the distance he had come.
Wednesday Writing:choose one to write about for this week.
Prompts courtesy of http://www.theteacherscorner.net/daily-writing-prompts/october/index.htm
October 23
Brazilian soccer player, Edison Pele, was born on this day in 1940. In order to become such an incredible soccer player, Pele had to practice. What is something that you would like to become better at? Explain what you will need to do in order to improve your skills. (This doesn’t have to be a sport.) PDF
October 24
Today is National Bologna Day. Explain to someone how to make your favorite type of sandwich. PDF.
THURSDAY - Commonplace books.
Thursday, October 11, 2007

HOW AWESOME! Ready for take off on the weightless flight over Long Beach, CA on Monday, Oct. 8th. We flew with Bill Smith, channel 5 reporter in our "Go for the Gold" section of the plane. First, we watched a video to get us prepared for the flight including do's and do not's. Then we finalized all of our experiments and turned in our cameras to our flight coach.
After getting our anti-"motion-sensitivity" medication, we were screened for security and boarded a bus to the Zero-G plane. After a few more photo ops, we ascending through the rear of the plane for our flight.
Regular instructions were given - safety instructions, seat belts, etc.- then we were off. Only real difference? No overhead compartments, no carry on luggage, and we had to give up our shoes. Then, we were up to our section of the plane where we collected our cameras and got positioned for our MARTIAN then our two LUNAR parabolas before the first of 12 weightless parabolas.
To be able to experience the same sensation as the astronauts and to be able to share it with my students to inspire them to reach for the stars was a true blessing. When the first weightless parabolas approached, most of the rules were sort of forgotten. You learned how to deflect people (with a gentle push with the fingertips) and when they say "feet down" they really mean it (landing on your head is not such a fun experience).
At least once or twice you would end up stuck in the middle of the plane and you would not be able to move until someone grabbed you. For an earthbound person who has been around aerospace engineers for over 20 years, it was incredible to be able to see and experience the environment where they work on a daily basis.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Week #33 (held over)
7th Grade = SQUANDER (to waste). The man will squander so much money over the year that he could buy a car with the money he wastes.
8th Grade = LAUD (to praise). The parents laud the singers for their exceptional performance on stage.
WED WRITING - Citizenship
Citizens have rules to follow. Students are citizens in their classes. Write about a set of rules from any class that you have been enrolled in during your educational career. What were the rules and responsibilities? How do or did you feel about them? Would you change any of them? Why or why not?
7th Grade = SQUANDER (to waste). The man will squander so much money over the year that he could buy a car with the money he wastes.
8th Grade = LAUD (to praise). The parents laud the singers for their exceptional performance on stage.
WED WRITING - Citizenship
Citizens have rules to follow. Students are citizens in their classes. Write about a set of rules from any class that you have been enrolled in during your educational career. What were the rules and responsibilities? How do or did you feel about them? Would you change any of them? Why or why not?
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
WHEW! You are in for a treat we will be working with many new items and will work on many new things that are coming up. Hope testing went well for you all today -- I know how you feel on the first day of school -- whew! Will gently make them available to you so that you will have some things to work on over the summer and then be able to come back (if you take my class again).
Building Innovators: Google Training
Card activity and finding innovations, build the tower and then find a way to use things in your classroom
Ten Top Things that Google has found to be true? (reflection)
COPA Compliance Act (all students)
Must be sure to keep their names safe and off their work
Card activity and finding innovations, build the tower and then find a way to use things in your classroom
Resources | Comments |
Snapz Pro X and ishowu | screen captures |
gaggle.net | free keyboarding site with blogs and chats as well |
landmark.com | free web-logs; many items |
www.digication.com | online collaboration |
Ten Top Things that Google has found to be true? (reflection)
- find what works for your students
- push for what you want for your students and have people to work on things
- information that we still don't have is endless
- Deactivate Pro if it locks up
- create video and then you can also put in on the ipod
- Look into preferences (3D View)
- change the elevation, speed, terrain quality to adjust to what you are doing
- TOURING - speed set for how fast you fly
- .1190
- .1190
- 1.7
- halls settings
- Placemakrs
- show the tour with the captions
- Movies
- not your settings when you change them
- not infinite loop can be used for open house to keep it going
- start them at their own homes moving towards school
- Take screen shots with data markers
- use flickr/delicious files
- Pay attention to your clicked items when you play - may end up at weird places
- When you are working, goes into temporary files and you save to other places when you exit
- Pictures can be from the web or specific location on your computer (name a folder that you don't move) - will not work on the other machine wihout re-locating the information
- http://www.googlelittrips.com
- snapz Pro X ; ishowU (mac screen shots, etc.)
COPA Compliance Act (all students)
Must be sure to keep their names safe and off their work
- can type in his/her name and find all the work that they have done that semester - ELECTRONIC PORTFOLIO
- Revisions History - shows the work that they are starting with; cannot do the footnoting as well
- gmail account = access to all the tools that are available google based
- google account = can enter the clary the fairy account that will give them access to the email
- personality profile
- moview reviews
- restaurant reviews
- book reviews
- product reviews
- peer editing built into program
- collaborate work on investigative stories
- easy to publish work to webpage
- etc
- all students submit articles
- editors edit articles at night
- save as many different items
- TAG the documents
- CHANGE DISPLAY NAMES so that you know what is going on and how you know what is going on.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
WEEK #32 - Word Understanding Record = do both 7th and 8th grade words.
7th Grade = philanthropist (someone who benefits mankind).
The philantropist gave the majority of his money to poor countries so schools and hospitals could be built.
8th Grade = denounce (to speak against publicly). As the war in Iraq continues more politicians are beginning to denounce it.
The Statue of Liberty has represented fairness, equality, opportunity, and freedom. Rank and list these in order of importance to you and explain your reasons.
7th Grade = philanthropist (someone who benefits mankind).
The philantropist gave the majority of his money to poor countries so schools and hospitals could be built.
8th Grade = denounce (to speak against publicly). As the war in Iraq continues more politicians are beginning to denounce it.
The Statue of Liberty has represented fairness, equality, opportunity, and freedom. Rank and list these in order of importance to you and explain your reasons.
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Wave #31
7th Grade = eccentric (odd; out of the ordinary; quirky).
Her eccentric and unusual clothes made her stand out in a crowd.
8th Grade = strut (a self-important walk)
His strut along the campus shows his self-confidence and slight arrogance.
Wednesday Writing
Citizenship... How do you define who you are as an individual? How do you answer when you are asked, "Who are you?" is there more to who you are than you let people know? Give details. What are some characteristics that you would like people to remember you for? Why?
7th Grade = eccentric (odd; out of the ordinary; quirky).
Her eccentric and unusual clothes made her stand out in a crowd.
8th Grade = strut (a self-important walk)
His strut along the campus shows his self-confidence and slight arrogance.
Wednesday Writing
Citizenship... How do you define who you are as an individual? How do you answer when you are asked, "Who are you?" is there more to who you are than you let people know? Give details. What are some characteristics that you would like people to remember you for? Why?
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Week 28 Making Connections
7th Grade -= benign (kindly, good-natured). The benign dog had a loud bark but would never hurt anyone.
8th Grade = dissent (disagreement). There was a great deal of dissent among the different groups regarding how the school funds should be spent.
WED WRITING: What values matter the most to you in your life? Why? Do you expect your friends and family members to have similar values? Do you believe it is possible to get along with people who do not share your values? Why or why not?
Week #29 Word Understanding Record
7th grade = credulous (gullible; ready to believe without proof.)_. The credulous young child still believed in fairies and witches, while having no proof of such an existence.
8th Grade = elucidate (to explain; to make clear). Teachers must carefully elucidate the lessons if their students are going to understand the content.
WED WRITING: Think of a time that you have cared for someone or something. What did you do to take care of it/them? What did you learn from that situation? Explain.
WEEK #30
7th Grade = disparage (to speak poorly of). The parents disparage of the students efforts because they have forgotten how hard it is to be a student.
8th Grade = gullible (overly trusting) He is so gullible that he believes everything he reads in The National Inquirer.
WED What is the nicest thing you have every done for your best friend? What made it so nice? What is the nicest thing your best friend has done for you? how did it make you feel?
7th Grade -= benign (kindly, good-natured). The benign dog had a loud bark but would never hurt anyone.
8th Grade = dissent (disagreement). There was a great deal of dissent among the different groups regarding how the school funds should be spent.
WED WRITING: What values matter the most to you in your life? Why? Do you expect your friends and family members to have similar values? Do you believe it is possible to get along with people who do not share your values? Why or why not?
Week #29 Word Understanding Record
7th grade = credulous (gullible; ready to believe without proof.)_. The credulous young child still believed in fairies and witches, while having no proof of such an existence.
8th Grade = elucidate (to explain; to make clear). Teachers must carefully elucidate the lessons if their students are going to understand the content.
WED WRITING: Think of a time that you have cared for someone or something. What did you do to take care of it/them? What did you learn from that situation? Explain.
WEEK #30
7th Grade = disparage (to speak poorly of). The parents disparage of the students efforts because they have forgotten how hard it is to be a student.
8th Grade = gullible (overly trusting) He is so gullible that he believes everything he reads in The National Inquirer.
WED What is the nicest thing you have every done for your best friend? What made it so nice? What is the nicest thing your best friend has done for you? how did it make you feel?
Thursday, April 26, 2007

Thank you's are becoming a dying art. Just a little note to let someone know that you are appreciated, have made some type of positive impact, some action was appreciated -- with so many in the digital age, those who still take pen to paper are now in the minority. For me, I send notes all the time. The discounted paper suppliers are my friends and I usually keep a set of notes in my purse so that if I am at dinner or just sitting in a meeting, I can jot down a note, and send it off to the person I am thinking about.
With time being so short, you just never know when you might not be able to say all that wish to those you care for and have in your heart.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Week #27 - Word Understanding Record (do both definitions)
7th Grade = credulous (gullible; ready to believe without proof)
The credulous young child still believed in fairies and witches, while having no proof of such an existence.
8th Grade= elucidate (to explain; to make clear)
Teachers must carefully elucidate the lessons if their students are going to understand the content.
Think of a time that you have cared for someone or something.
7th Grade = credulous (gullible; ready to believe without proof)
The credulous young child still believed in fairies and witches, while having no proof of such an existence.
8th Grade= elucidate (to explain; to make clear)
Teachers must carefully elucidate the lessons if their students are going to understand the content.
Think of a time that you have cared for someone or something.
- What did you do to take care of it/them?
- What did you learn from the situation?
- Explain.
Thursday, April 19, 2007

I am having a GREAT TIME. We are working on some newer material and amazingly enough, it seems to be holding up pretty well. Today is a catch-up day (think tomatoes) for the students since there have been, well some folks not doing homework on a regular schedule, hence, some of our discussions have been lacking a bit of participation.
Things that seem to work best:
- energy from the teacher (shocker)
- having LOTS of little things planned to break up the day
- many different TYPES of things to do rather than just sitting in one spot forever
- giving lots of time for REFLECTION on the work
I am also being inspired by the students' enthusiasm for the work, the material, and how willing they are to work and to try. I have also been getting back into the habit of reading again and that is providing additional inspiration. I hope to inspire some students to come to the realization so eloquently stated below.
" What she showed me today is that a truly self-reliant person takes action, leaving nothing to chance and everything to themselves. She showed me that excuses will not bring about success and that adversity is not something you walk with, but something you leap over. The only obstacles ar the ones you allow. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. A truly self-reliant person finds his weak leak and strengthens it. I want to be a self-reliant person, now and forever."
>>>from CONVERGE MAGAZINE, Winter 2007 edition, pg. 12 in M. Leights column. Quote is from one of Erin Gruwell's students.
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
READ the following poem by Sandra Cisneros - MY NAME.
Write a memoir about your family and discuss the influences your grandparents, parents, and siblings have on you using concrete details. Why have these individuals and their influences been important to you?
In English my name means hope. In Spanish it means too many letters. It means sadness; it means waiting. It is like the number nine. A muddy color. It is the Mexican records my father plays on Sunday mornings when he is shaving; songs like sobbing.
It was my great-grandmother’s name and now it is mine. She was a horse woman, too, born like me in the Chinese year of the horse—which is supposed to be bad luck if you’re born female—but I think this is a Chinese lie because like the Chinese, like the Mexicans, don’t like their women strong.
My great-grandmother. I would’ve liked to have known her—a wild horse of a woman, so wild she wouldn’t marry until my great-grandfather threw a sack over her head and carried her off. Just like that, as if she were a fancy chandelier. That’s the way he did it.
And the story goes she never forgave him. She looked out the window her whole life, the way so many women sit their sadness on an elbow. I wonder if she made the best with what she got or was she sorry because she couldn’t be all the things she wanted to be. Esperanza. I have inherited her name, but I don’t want to inherit her place by the window.
At school they say my name is funny as if the syllables were made out of tin and hurt the roof of your mouth. But in Spanish my name is made out of a softer something like silver, not quite as thick as sister’s name—Magdelena—which is uglier than mine. Magdelena who at least can come home and become Nenny. But I am always Esperanza.
I would like to baptize myself under a new name, a name more like the real me, the one nobody sees. Esperanza as Lisandra or Maritza or Zeze the X. Yes. Something like Zeze the X wil do. From Sandra Cisneros poem, MY NAME.
Write a memoir about your family and discuss the influences your grandparents, parents, and siblings have on you using concrete details. Why have these individuals and their influences been important to you?
In English my name means hope. In Spanish it means too many letters. It means sadness; it means waiting. It is like the number nine. A muddy color. It is the Mexican records my father plays on Sunday mornings when he is shaving; songs like sobbing.
It was my great-grandmother’s name and now it is mine. She was a horse woman, too, born like me in the Chinese year of the horse—which is supposed to be bad luck if you’re born female—but I think this is a Chinese lie because like the Chinese, like the Mexicans, don’t like their women strong.
My great-grandmother. I would’ve liked to have known her—a wild horse of a woman, so wild she wouldn’t marry until my great-grandfather threw a sack over her head and carried her off. Just like that, as if she were a fancy chandelier. That’s the way he did it.
And the story goes she never forgave him. She looked out the window her whole life, the way so many women sit their sadness on an elbow. I wonder if she made the best with what she got or was she sorry because she couldn’t be all the things she wanted to be. Esperanza. I have inherited her name, but I don’t want to inherit her place by the window.
At school they say my name is funny as if the syllables were made out of tin and hurt the roof of your mouth. But in Spanish my name is made out of a softer something like silver, not quite as thick as sister’s name—Magdelena—which is uglier than mine. Magdelena who at least can come home and become Nenny. But I am always Esperanza.
I would like to baptize myself under a new name, a name more like the real me, the one nobody sees. Esperanza as Lisandra or Maritza or Zeze the X. Yes. Something like Zeze the X wil do. From Sandra Cisneros poem, MY NAME.
Thursday, March 29, 2007

Today is a better day. Still sad about my last grand passing (grandmother) and am getting adjusted to the idea that all I have left are my aunts and parents in the grand scheme of family order and such. Looking for ways to stay connected to that part of the world since it is such a big part of my existence and who I am. Sure, never lived there yet there is a strong connection.
Trying to find ways to get students inspired about learning in general. So many seem genuinely disinterested in anything having to do with finding out about things that they haven't gotten to see/understand. Wondering where is the sense of adventure that comes from just listening to something and then allowing it time to percolate and develop into a new sense of the world. For instance, watched a Discovery Channel show about water -- would have been great to have that clip to show to students -- really very interesting to see what water goes through before ending up in your water from the tap.
Where is that sense of adventure and desire to learn in our students? Maybe we need to look at different ways of getting the material across - hard to cheat if you are doing an experiment and presenting the results to a national and or local regulatory agency or presenting in front of the board of directors. Hard to get a "cheat list" for something like that... Just ideas.
Thursday, March 15, 2007

Central Michigan University is the closest major landmark to where my Grandmother and Grandfather made their lives together. It is also the place that I go to find my center -- my connection to the grander scheme of things beyond the cars, the concrete, and the hustle and bustle that is the norm in Southern California.
Why Michigan? It provides a release from the ever pounding need to answer cell phones (no and/or limited reception), needlessly staring at TV for hours (only three stations since my grandma's house never had cable and was ruled by the antennae box that literally moved the antennae on the top of the house -- advanced rabbit ears), and no internet access (she still had a pulse phone line the one that makes the sound like it used to when they still had phones that truly DIALED numbers).
Literally connecting with the earth and watching the cycle of life, especially the crops literally growing in front of your eyes -- my version of paradise! To hear the birds, sit in front of the fan and read, ponder, write, play solitaire and do the daily routine of common meals and washing and putting away dishes -- heaven.
I wonder where I will find that now that the center is gone. Sure, I still have relatives in Michigan, but not a place near the lands that created me and has given me my main roots. When I am back in the places where the elders still pretty much refer to the plots of land with the original land deed owners (aka the Smith Place, the Getchell Farm) and where people still bring food when someone is sick and/or in the hospital, and they listen to scanners so they know how to help their neighbors --- I feel a sense of belonging that I get no where else. It is a connection stronger than even family -- it is where I began and when I am there, both physically and mentally (I have learned how to leave the stress at the last big airport before the smaller one that usually is accessed by a 30 seater plane), and where I know what makes sense.
It is not a place to hide -- you face who you are, what you are, and how you live your live in a much more forthright manner. No hiding behind facades, phone calls, schedules -- just you and mortality. How you live your life is reflected back in how you are when you are there. I have a place up in Ossineke as well, but somehow, it is not going to be the same...
Where will my heart be? In the woods and the home that came to symbolize universal, unconditional love and acceptance. Come as you are and you will be loved -- that was the motto. Check your hubris at the door and get your hands dirty doing what needs to be done. No lallygagging allowed...
Monday, March 12, 2007
7th Grade = incessant (non-stop).
The incessant crying of the baby indicated that the child had a severe and on-going sickness.
8th Grade = didactic (intending to teach)
The didactic teacher intended to teach the students what would be on the test.
"Be kind. For everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle."
Describe what this means. Give an example of how this may be true. How would this quote change the way you interact with others. Explain.
Good work on your PBJ and Presentations (so far). We will be starting a new unit next week.
7th Grade = incessant (non-stop).
The incessant crying of the baby indicated that the child had a severe and on-going sickness.
8th Grade = didactic (intending to teach)
The didactic teacher intended to teach the students what would be on the test.
"Be kind. For everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle."
Describe what this means. Give an example of how this may be true. How would this quote change the way you interact with others. Explain.
Good work on your PBJ and Presentations (so far). We will be starting a new unit next week.
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
PAVE Map - Sorry no definitions on this one! You have to predict with a prediction sentence first, then figure out the definition of the word based on the sample sentence.
7th Grade = IMMUTABLE
ex. The immutable program remained the same for over 20 years.
8th Grade = CONTRITE
The contrite child apologized for kicking his mother.
How do you think life would be different as the opposite sex?
How are boys treated differently than girl and vice versa?
Is this fair or not?
Why or why not?
REMEMBER - Write until 9:25 then check grades and the bulletin on PowerSchool.
7th Grade = IMMUTABLE
ex. The immutable program remained the same for over 20 years.
8th Grade = CONTRITE
The contrite child apologized for kicking his mother.
How do you think life would be different as the opposite sex?
How are boys treated differently than girl and vice versa?
Is this fair or not?
Why or why not?
REMEMBER - Write until 9:25 then check grades and the bulletin on PowerSchool.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Working my way Back to You!
On a later flight tonight, but weather permitting should be back in class tomorrow (Wednesday). The funeral for my grandma was held on the 22nd and the internment at the cemetery was mercifully brief as the Michigan winds were kicking up. We had a lunch afterwards with about 100 people in attendance - most were family. Been helping box and ship and clear out the house the past few days.
Weather is open for today, but another strong storm is expected later tomorrow and hoping to get the next connection before any more delays. It's a balmy 35 degrees or so today and although my grandma's rented house got lots of snow, the roads were clear today. We'll see! Weather around here changes often.
Get your WIKIS updated and Period 2 take the background off from the front page that was added please :). Hope to see you soon. Have pictures of the snow to show you!
On a later flight tonight, but weather permitting should be back in class tomorrow (Wednesday). The funeral for my grandma was held on the 22nd and the internment at the cemetery was mercifully brief as the Michigan winds were kicking up. We had a lunch afterwards with about 100 people in attendance - most were family. Been helping box and ship and clear out the house the past few days.
Weather is open for today, but another strong storm is expected later tomorrow and hoping to get the next connection before any more delays. It's a balmy 35 degrees or so today and although my grandma's rented house got lots of snow, the roads were clear today. We'll see! Weather around here changes often.
Get your WIKIS updated and Period 2 take the background off from the front page that was added please :). Hope to see you soon. Have pictures of the snow to show you!
Sunday, February 25, 2007
It's been snowing all day to day off and on. About 4 inches or so -- hard to measure from the window! Looking forward to catching a plane and making all the connections to get home. Look forward to seeing all the progress made on your projects and stories while I have been gone. Be sure to update your WIKIs -- look forward to the presentations when I return.
Friday, February 23, 2007
BRRRR.. It's cold and sunny here. A balmy 13 degrees with a slight wind chill. Yesterday at the internment at the cemetary it was about 0 degrees with the wind chill. Hope all is going well with your guest teacher and I look forward to seeing you next Wednesday. Send me some messages through your WIKI's so I have something nice to read! Thanks for being so understanding and working so hard to impress our guest teachers with your incredible ability to adjust and adapt. If you want to check the weather where I am look for Saginaw - Sheperd- Mt Pleasant areas. The only other big city close is Lansing and/or Midland, Michigan.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Friday, February 16, 2007
WAVE - Week of Feb. 19 - Feb. 23
Tuesday - VOCAB for Week #21 - WORD UNDERSTANDING RECORD ( do both grade levels to fill in both halves of the sheet).
7th Grade = cacophonous (harsh sounding)
The cacophonous clatter coming from the kitchen was harsh to the ears.
8th Grade = profuse (very abundant; flowing)
Her friends gave many profuse compliments after her amazing performance.
How is it possible to meet someone new and not judge them? Why or why not? Give examples. Remember writing until 9:25 THEN check grades, bulletin.
Tuesday - VOCAB for Week #21 - WORD UNDERSTANDING RECORD ( do both grade levels to fill in both halves of the sheet).
7th Grade = cacophonous (harsh sounding)
The cacophonous clatter coming from the kitchen was harsh to the ears.
8th Grade = profuse (very abundant; flowing)
Her friends gave many profuse compliments after her amazing performance.
How is it possible to meet someone new and not judge them? Why or why not? Give examples. Remember writing until 9:25 THEN check grades, bulletin.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Read the Prompt and you have until 9:25 to complete your writing then work on checking your grades from 9:25 am until the WAVE bell rings.
We all want to be treated fairly.
Write about what you feel is fair and unfair in your home, your school, or your life in general. . Use details to support your reasons why or why not.
Would others consider your opinion to be fair or unfair? Explain who would or would not and why.
Read the Prompt and you have until 9:25 to complete your writing then work on checking your grades from 9:25 am until the WAVE bell rings.
We all want to be treated fairly.
Write about what you feel is fair and unfair in your home, your school, or your life in general. . Use details to support your reasons why or why not.
Would others consider your opinion to be fair or unfair? Explain who would or would not and why.
Thursday, February 08, 2007
When things go wrong with tech, life can be very frustrating. Like needing to unplug an overhead projector because somehow it interferes with a grading program? Very odd. I like logic. If A is not working, it's because of B, C, or D. However lately, that has not been the case.
Grading program won't boot up? Check to see if you used blue fonts last! Have to reset a password once every 45 days? Just do it daily and it seems to work. Technology frustrations abound... and when it doesn't make sense, it's that much more irritating.
Cannot get hi-speed modem to connect even though it's one, plugged in, and the lights are blinking? Then just unplug everything reboot! If only life were that way... cluttered house? Just have the magic people take everything out and only put back in what is necessary. Scrap your car on a metal pole? Just have someone re-finish and re-paint it for you. The problem with all these little tasks is that they take TIME.
Sure, most people think teachers have all this "free time". This includes meetings before and after school, grading and responding to over 150 papers-- over 200 for some and this is supposed to be informative comments so that the students can improve-- not just a score. Then entering the grades, updating the homework site, sitting on at least one or two committees, responding to parent/teacher/staff emails (preferred), phone calls and notes. Differentiated instruction for EVERYONE in class above those who have formal plans and accommodations in place, managing the classroom network (for techies) and that FREE TIME for organizing? There are only 24 hours in the day. There is not a teacher I know who does not bring papers home (or stays very late to get them done the next day).
Do I love my job? Absolutely...is it very misunderstood by the public as to what the responsibilities of teachers are in this day and age? ABSOLUTELY!!! Higher pay is one aspect that would be helpful and I would love to have an expense account so that I could have things that personally help me be more organized. Give me Paris Hilton's or another high-paid athlete, or personalities income for a week and I would probably make more than two or three years' work of salary.
The incredible amount of time that is required to prepare, reflect on the day, then adapt for additional learning experiences is phenomenal. It's a great job... just some days the technology that we have to make life "easier" ends up making it that much more difficult and cumbersome. There are days I enjoy just unplugging and reading a book. Anything without wires.
When things go wrong with tech, life can be very frustrating. Like needing to unplug an overhead projector because somehow it interferes with a grading program? Very odd. I like logic. If A is not working, it's because of B, C, or D. However lately, that has not been the case.
Grading program won't boot up? Check to see if you used blue fonts last! Have to reset a password once every 45 days? Just do it daily and it seems to work. Technology frustrations abound... and when it doesn't make sense, it's that much more irritating.
Cannot get hi-speed modem to connect even though it's one, plugged in, and the lights are blinking? Then just unplug everything reboot! If only life were that way... cluttered house? Just have the magic people take everything out and only put back in what is necessary. Scrap your car on a metal pole? Just have someone re-finish and re-paint it for you. The problem with all these little tasks is that they take TIME.
Sure, most people think teachers have all this "free time". This includes meetings before and after school, grading and responding to over 150 papers-- over 200 for some and this is supposed to be informative comments so that the students can improve-- not just a score. Then entering the grades, updating the homework site, sitting on at least one or two committees, responding to parent/teacher/staff emails (preferred), phone calls and notes. Differentiated instruction for EVERYONE in class above those who have formal plans and accommodations in place, managing the classroom network (for techies) and that FREE TIME for organizing? There are only 24 hours in the day. There is not a teacher I know who does not bring papers home (or stays very late to get them done the next day).
Do I love my job? Absolutely...is it very misunderstood by the public as to what the responsibilities of teachers are in this day and age? ABSOLUTELY!!! Higher pay is one aspect that would be helpful and I would love to have an expense account so that I could have things that personally help me be more organized. Give me Paris Hilton's or another high-paid athlete, or personalities income for a week and I would probably make more than two or three years' work of salary.
The incredible amount of time that is required to prepare, reflect on the day, then adapt for additional learning experiences is phenomenal. It's a great job... just some days the technology that we have to make life "easier" ends up making it that much more difficult and cumbersome. There are days I enjoy just unplugging and reading a book. Anything without wires.
When things go wrong with tech, life can be very frustrating. Like needing to unplug an overhead projector because somehow it interferes with a grading program? Very odd. I like logic. If A is not working, it's because of B, C, or D. However lately, that has not been the case.
Grading program won't boot up? Check to see if you used blue fonts last! Have to reset a password once every 45 days? Just do it daily and it seems to work. Technology frustrations abound... and when it doesn't make sense, it's that much more irritating.
Cannot get hi-speed modem to connect even though it's one, plugged in, and the lights are blinking? Then just unplug everything reboot! If only life were that way... cluttered house? Just have the magic people take everything out and only put back in what is necessary. Scrap your car on a metal pole? Just have someone re-finish and re-paint it for you. The problem with all these little tasks is that they take TIME.
Sure, most people think teachers have all this "free time". This includes meetings before and after school, grading and responding to over 150 papers-- over 200 for some and this is supposed to be informative comments so that the students can improve-- not just a score. Then entering the grades, updating the homework site, sitting on at least one or two committees, responding to parent/teacher/staff emails (preferred), phone calls and notes. Differentiated instruction for EVERYONE in class above those who have formal plans and accommodations in place, managing the classroom network (for techies) and that FREE TIME for organizing? There are only 24 hours in the day. There is not a teacher I know who does not bring papers home (or stays very late to get them done the next day).
Do I love my job? Absolutely...is it very misunderstood by the public as to what the responsibilities of teachers are in this day and age? ABSOLUTELY!!! Higher pay is one aspect that would be helpful and I would love to have an expense account so that I could have things that personally help me be more organized. Give me Paris Hilton's or another high-paid athlete, or personalities income for a week and I would probably make more than two or three years' work of salary.
The incredible amount of time that is required to prepare, reflect on the day, then adapt for additional learning experiences is phenomenal. It's a great job... just some days the technology that we have to make life "easier" ends up making it that much more difficult and cumbersome. There are days I enjoy just unplugging and reading a book. Anything without wires.
When things go wrong with tech, life can be very frustrating. Like needing to unplug an overhead projector because somehow it interferes with a grading program? Very odd. I like logic. If A is not working, it's because of B, C, or D. However lately, that has not been the case.
Grading program won't boot up? Check to see if you used blue fonts last! Have to reset a password once every 45 days? Just do it daily and it seems to work. Technology frustrations abound... and when it doesn't make sense, it's that much more irritating.
Cannot get hi-speed modem to connect even though it's one, plugged in, and the lights are blinking? Then just unplug everything reboot! If only life were that way... cluttered house? Just have the magic people take everything out and only put back in what is necessary. Scrap your car on a metal pole? Just have someone re-finish and re-paint it for you. The problem with all these little tasks is that they take TIME.
Sure, most people think teachers have all this "free time". This includes meetings before and after school, grading and responding to over 150 papers-- over 200 for some and this is supposed to be informative comments so that the students can improve-- not just a score. Then entering the grades, updating the homework site, sitting on at least one or two committees, responding to parent/teacher/staff emails (preferred), phone calls and notes. Differentiated instruction for EVERYONE in class above those who have formal plans and accommodations in place, managing the classroom network (for techies) and that FREE TIME for organizing? There are only 24 hours in the day. There is not a teacher I know who does not bring papers home (or stays very late to get them done the next day).
Do I love my job? Absolutely...is it very misunderstood by the public as to what the responsibilities of teachers are in this day and age? ABSOLUTELY!!! Higher pay is one aspect that would be helpful and I would love to have an expense account so that I could have things that personally help me be more organized. Give me Paris Hilton's or another high-paid athlete, or personalities income for a week and I would probably make more than two or three years' work of salary.
The incredible amount of time that is required to prepare, reflect on the day, then adapt for additional learning experiences is phenomenal. It's a great job... just some days the technology that we have to make life "easier" ends up making it that much more difficult and cumbersome. There are days I enjoy just unplugging and reading a book. Anything without wires.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007

How do the choices you make shape your/our future, fate, or destiny? Why or why not?
Fate or destiny? I am a believer that everyone has a path... if you listen to that little voice inside you when you are still, in nature, away from the din of the electronic, you will hear and know what path and which decisions to make. One can go NUTS analyzing every choice, so the way it works for me is to pause before committing to anything or saying anything that seems out of character for someone who is polished, serene and happy with where they are in life.
If it's not right-- it just doesn't SIT right. I see most people as having spiritual, mental (i.e. business, etc. ), and health aspects. If everything is working and the decisions are honoring all of the three, then you have a sense of peace, accomplishment, and that everything is somehow right with the world. If you make a choice that is not right for you -- you feel it.. It may be a few minutes later (like when you yell at someone and you really didn't mean it -- you were just having an extremely awful day), a week later, or sometimes years later as you look back and reflect.
Sometimes, at least for me, the choices seemed rather inconsequential -- just a computer purchase, a car, etc. and yet those decisions for me ended up making all the difference -- it helped put me on my path and allowed me to become who I am and led me to the things that I love to do. Would one choice along the way have changed all that? Probably not, but it might have changed the level, the depth and the intensity of the shape of my life. If I had moved from this area, who knows? If I had gotten the job with Stars and Stripes in Europe right out of college -- my locale and life experiences would have been different. However, I think I would have always ended up teaching in some fashion.
How have my choices influenced/shaped my future, fate and destiny? They have led me to where I feel I am meant to be. Are there still things that I would change and/or alter? Of course, but those decisions didn't lead me away from my true path-- just took me on some deadends that I had to re-trace my steps to get back. Sometimes they took me through some briar patches and I had to fight to get back on track, but I am where I am supposed to be--- for now.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Thank you for your patience this week. A grandmother of mine passed away on Sunday and I have been trying to help with arrangements and locate a missing item in my house for someone all week on very little sleep.
Thanks for all the kind words and patience. The five week projects require you to read and to be confident in what you are doing. For some of you this is the first time that you have been asked to fly solo and interpret the instructions. It may be a bit stressful for you. Hang in there.
See you on Tuesday when I return.... I will be out on Monday as well for school business (sorry!). Check the website for the lesson plans.
Thanks for all the kind words and patience. The five week projects require you to read and to be confident in what you are doing. For some of you this is the first time that you have been asked to fly solo and interpret the instructions. It may be a bit stressful for you. Hang in there.
See you on Tuesday when I return.... I will be out on Monday as well for school business (sorry!). Check the website for the lesson plans.
Friday, January 19, 2007
WARMING UP--- The weather has changed, but not that much! Please check the weather reports.
7th Grade
anecdote (a brief, humorous story). The speaker told a short anecdote to make the audience laugh and get them interested in the speech.
8th Grade = protracted (drawn out; lengthy)
The school year seemed long and protracted because of the extended day.
7th Grade
anecdote (a brief, humorous story). The speaker told a short anecdote to make the audience laugh and get them interested in the speech.
8th Grade = protracted (drawn out; lengthy)
The school year seemed long and protracted because of the extended day.
- Write about a time when you or someone you know was bullied and how it was or could have been better handled.
- Write about a bullying incident from the video andhow you would have handled the situation if you were the victim or observer
- Reread the speech (attached-- copy will be made available for everyone in the class) that Bobbie gave for the "No Name Party".
- Have students write down comments or questions that could be used for discussion - or - develop a prompt for studens from this FRIDAY's DISCUSSION activity.
- STUDENTS work in small groups to come up with slogans or posters to display in the classroom or school to prevent bullying.
- Students share a piece of writing, discussion topic, poster, etc., related to NO NAME CALLING week.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
An older sibling or friend, invites you to an "R" reated movie and plans to use a fake ID (to get a ticket). Explain why you would or would not go. Take into consideration the repercussions from the law, your parents, and the theatre employees in your response.
I would wait for the movie to come out on DVD and then ask my parents to pick it up so that they would be able to make the decision. Personally, I would not want to be embarrassed at the ticket counter with someone telling me that I was too young or the possible contact to my parents. Why would I want all that drama?
My parents (when I was a teenager) trusted me to do the right thing and to be responsible so I never did anything to violate that trust. It worked out well for my family. I was usually also just able to set my own bed times (even when I was little) so I never wanted to do anything that would require my parents to be more worried about me and what I was doing. I liked my freedom and wanted to keep it -- going to a movie with somone I knew was going to use a fake ID would not have been something I would have done.
I would wait for the movie to come out on DVD and then ask my parents to pick it up so that they would be able to make the decision. Personally, I would not want to be embarrassed at the ticket counter with someone telling me that I was too young or the possible contact to my parents. Why would I want all that drama?
My parents (when I was a teenager) trusted me to do the right thing and to be responsible so I never did anything to violate that trust. It worked out well for my family. I was usually also just able to set my own bed times (even when I was little) so I never wanted to do anything that would require my parents to be more worried about me and what I was doing. I liked my freedom and wanted to keep it -- going to a movie with somone I knew was going to use a fake ID would not have been something I would have done.
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Enjoy your weekend!
To help get you back into the school groove:
To help get you back into the school groove:
- WHAT DID YOU DO? If you have a moment, send me a schoolnotes email about what you actually did over the holidays and copy a post to the blackboard account -- it will get you ready for the writing that is coming
- THINK ABOUT IT - What Do You Believe? As part of our January unit we will be preparing some entries for a National Public Radio program called This I Believe. Start reflecting on what makes you tick!
- WAKE UP! Start getting up and ready at a slightly earlier time than you normally do. Get that alarm ready and your system back into the swing of things.
- BAG CHECK- Check through your backpack to make sure that you have everything that you need for Monday! Pencils, pens, paper and especially any reports, papers, etc. that you were given a grace period to complete.
- LEAVE THE TOYS AT HOME! While all those new gadgets are cool and all, please leave them home and get used to setting your phone to off during school hours. If you received some generous presents, set up a time off campus to share them.
- BODY BREAKS: Start to each on school schedule and get your body used to taking care of needs according to the school clock.
- REST - Get some extra sleep and due to the weird weather, drink some additional water and take a walk or two to get back into the swing of things.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Hope you have had a grand vacation and have been enjoying time away from school :)) Looking forward to getting started on our five week projects and for those wondering about your proposals, we will be talking about them on the first day back. Prefer that you only work with one other person and your items will need to be very well defined.
I have been reading, walking, catching up on videos (love the mail in system!) and spending LOTS of time with my family. Found some new technologies that we are going to be using to enhance our journalism department and we will be hitting the yearbook assignments hard to meet our first deadline. So, get your photo and uploading skills ready--- here we go.
Look forward to seeing you when we return -- enjoy your break and welcome to 2007!
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